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Learning Doesn't Stop For Covid

Updated: Nov 5, 2022

HR Certification Does Not Stop!

Four years ago, HRCI launched their aPHR Certification. I was fortunate enough to work with , Kyle Cook, PHR and Stacie Denton, who helped me design an 8-hour aPHR Study Course.

Fast forward to Saturday, I never imagined that I'd be teaching this course online, but there I was with 12 students and HR professionals working with me via Zoom Webinar throughout the day. (Got to be honest, having taught HR Certification Courses for over 20 years, I was not expecting how the current situation caused me pause more than I would expect.)

I believe in paying things forward, so part of the profits from my HR Cert Courses goes to helping my students. Please join me in congratulating my first Mobley HRC Certification Scholarship Award Winners.

A big thank you to the 100 HR Professionals that have been part of my Cincinnati HR Cert Prep Course since 2018. I’m proud to say that of those who have gone on to take their test, about 90% have passed!

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